Imbalance of aging comes from degenerative changes in the inner ears and balance areas of the brain. This is a normal process of aging. [1]
STEADI – Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries
- Check for Safety Brochure: A Home Fall Prevention Checklist
- Caregiver Brochure: Protect your Loved Ones from Falling
- Older Adult Falls: A Growing Danger
- Stay Independent: Prevent Falls
Elderly Precautions: Walking and Other Restrictions:
- Never walk in the dark. Always use night lights. Never walk out of doors at night.
- Avoid irregular terrain, day or night. Always have assistance of another person over irregular terrain. Avoid sloped hills and driveways.
- Modify bathroom to have a walk-in shower, shower bars, shower bench, hand held shower.
- Install an elevated toilet seat. Install toilet bars.
- Use a walker at all times. Never go without the walker indoors or out of doors.
- Every day, practice stop-and-watch-feet-go-over carpet-tile interface, all door thresholds, steps, curbing, or any other elevation change.
- Never read while walking.
- Use a 3 or 4 wheeled walker with handbrakes and bench.
- Never use a ladder, step stool, get on roofs, or be near the edge of a cliff or similar area where unprotected from falling.
- Inability to get up after falling, subsequent time on floor, and summoning help: prospective cohort study in people over 90., , BMJ, 2008 Nov 17, Volume 337, p.a2227, (2008)