CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that Meniett therapy is unlikely to be helpful in the long-term treatment of patients with severe, drug-resistant M'eni`eretextquoterights disease (MD) in whom injection of intratympanic gentamicin (ITG) or another destructive procedure would otherwise be performed.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the value of Meniett therapy in patients with drug-resistant MD referred for injection of ITG.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve patients referred for ITG treatment were followed during a 2-month period of Meniett therapy. Symptoms, functional level and hearing status were evaluated using a standardized staging system. Disease-specific quality-of-life measures were obtained before and after Meniett therapy. At the end of the study period, patients were followed for a mean of 37 months, thus providing long-term outcome data.
RESULTS: In two patients, Meniett treatment was interrupted after 1 month because of persistent severe vertigo. In the remaining 10 subjects, we found a significant decrease in the median number of vertigo spells from 10.0/month (25th-75th percentile 4.0-19.0) prior to treatment to 3.0/month (25th-75th percentile 1.5-4.5) after treatment (p = 0.02). There was, however, no improvement in hearing status, tinnitus, functional level or self-perceived dizziness handicap. Long-term (>1 year) follow-up data revealed that only 2 subjects preferred to continue Meniett therapy and that ablative surgery had to be performed in 6/12 study patients.