Sense organ deposits have been described in temporal bones from patients with vestibular neuronitis, Menieretextquoterights disease, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo that are not found in a comparable series of temporal bones without vestibulopathy. Because the recurrent vestibulopathies are caused by vestibular ganglionitis and the vestibulocochlear anastomosis was degenerated in these temporal bones, the deposits may represent the end buds of regenerating efferent axons injured in passage through the vestibular ganglion. Such neural buds have been described with transmission electron microscopy in animals after vestibular nerve transection and in a human temporal bone with endolymphatic hydrops. The buds may be visible by light microscopy, because their size is comparable to that of hair cell nuclei and they stain blue with hematoxylin because of their nucleic acid content. The variable location and size of these deposits (buds) in the labyrinthine sense organs is described to aid in the recognition of efferent system injury in human temporal bones.